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tRNA synthetase activity is required for stress granule and P-body assembly

Max Baymiller, Noah S. Helton, Benjamin Dodd, Stephanie L Moon†
Preprint on bioRxiv


Stress-Induced Gene mRNA Condensation and Expression are Governed by Ribosome Association and the Stress Granule Proteins G3BP1/2

Noah S. Helton, Benjamin Dodd, Stephanie L Moon†
Preprint on Cell Press Sneak Peak


Translation Feedback Control in the Brain

Stephanie L Moon†
Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology


The role of protein kinase R in dystonia

Ben Dodd and Stephanie L Moon†

Stress granules as causes and consequences of translation suppression

Max Baymiller and Stephanie L Moon†
Antioxidants & Redox Signaling


Is bRaQCing bad? New roles for ribosome associated quality control factors in stress granule regulation

Noah S Helton and Stephanie L Moon†
Biochemical Society Transactions, BST20220549
The final version of record is available here.

Measuring Bulk Translation Activity in Single Mammalian Cells During the Integrated Stress Response

Alyssa M English and Stephanie L Moon†
The Integrated Stress Response: Methods and Protocols
Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 2428


A (dis)integrated stress response: Genetic diseases of eIF2α regulators

Alyssa M English, Katelyn M Green, Stephanie L Moon†
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: RNA e1689.


Coupling of translation quality control and mRNA targeting to stress granules

Stephanie L Moon†, Tatsuya Morisaki, Timothy J Stasevich, Roy Parker†
Journal of Cell Biology 218 (8)


RNase L reprograms translation by widespread mRNA turnover escaped by antiviral mRNAs

James M Burke, Stephanie L Moon, Tyler Matheny, Roy Parker†
Molecular Cell 75 (6), 1203-1217. e5

Multicolour single-molecule tracking of mRNA interactions with RNP granules

Stephanie L Moon*, Tatsuya Morisaki*, Anthony Khong, Kenneth Lyon, Roy Parker†, Timothy J Stasevich†
Nature Cell Biology 21 (2), 162-168

See the News & Views article, “Dynamics of mRNA entry into stress granules” by Chih-Yung Lee and Geraldine Seydoux in Nature Cell Biology.


Analysis of eIF2B bodies and their relationships with stress granules and P-bodies

Stephanie L Moon†, Roy Parker
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 1-14

Neuronal regulation of eIF2α function in health and neurological disorders
Stephanie L Moon, Nahum Sonenberg, Roy Parker†
Trends in Molecular Medicine 24 (6), 575-589


Flavivirus sfRNA suppresses antiviral RNA interference in cultured cells and mosquitoes and directly interacts with the RNAi machinery

Stephanie L Moon, Benjamin JT Dodd, Doug E Brackney, Carol J Wilusz, Gregory D Ebel, Jeffrey Wilusz†
Virology 485, 322-329

XRN1 stalling in the 5’UTR of Hepatitis C virus and Bovine Viral Diarrhea virus is associated with dysregulated host mRNA stability

Stephanie L Moon, Jeffrey G Blackinton, John R Anderson, Mary K Dozier, Benjamin JT Dodd, Jack D Keene, Carol J Wilusz, Shelton S Bradrick, Jeffrey Wilusz†
PLoS Pathogens 11 (3), e1004708

Oxidative stress influences positive strand RNA virus genome synthesis and capping

Rebekah C Gullberg*, J Jordan Steel* Stephanie L Moon, Elnaz Soltani, Brian J Geiss†
Virology 475, 219-229


The structural basis of pathogenic subgenomic flavivirus RNA (sfRNA) production

Erich G Chapman, David A Costantino, Jennifer L Rabe, Stephanie L Moon, Jeffrey Wilusz, Jay C Nix, Jeffrey S Kieft†
Science 344 (6181), 307-310

RNA structures that resist degradation by Xrn1 produce a pathogenic Dengue virus RNA

Erich G Chapman, Stephanie L Moon, Jeffrey Wilusz, Jeffrey S Kieft†
eLife 3, e01892

Viral RNAs versus the Cellular RNA Decay Machinery

Stephanie L. Moon, Jeffrey Wilusz†


Cytoplasmic viruses: rage against the (cellular RNA decay) machine

Stephanie L Moon, Jeffrey Wilusz†
PLoS Pathogens 9 (12), e1003762

Changes in cellular mRNA stability, splicing, and polyadenylation through HuR protein sequestration by a cytoplasmic RNA virus

Michael D Barnhart*, Stephanie L Moon*, Alexander W Emch, Carol J Wilusz, Jeffrey Wilusz†
Cell Reports 5 (4), 909-917

In vitro transcription of modified RNAs

Stephanie L Moon, Jeffrey Wilusz†
In Vitro Transcription of Modified RNAs. In: Conn G. (eds) Recombinant and In Vitro RNA Synthesis. Methods in Molecular Biology (Methods and Protocols), vol 941.


A noncoding RNA produced by arthropod-borne flaviviruses inhibits the cellular exoribonuclease XRN1 and alters host mRNA stability

Stephanie L Moon, John R Anderson, Yutaro Kumagai, Carol J Wilusz, Shizuo Akira, Alexander A Khromykh, Jeffrey Wilusz†
RNA 18 (11), 2029-2040

Inhibition and avoidance of mRNA degradation by RNA viruses

Stephanie L Moon, Michael D Barnhart, Jeffrey Wilusz†
Current Opinion in Microbiology 15 (4), 500-505

bold indicates Moon lab member; * indicates equal authorship; † indicates corresponding author